Obstetrician carved his initials in mom's abdomen

VERENA DOBNIK, Associated Press Writer Friday, January 21, 2000 Breaking News Sections

(01-21) 13:06 PST NEW YORK (AP) -- A doctor delivered a baby by Caesarean section, then used his scalpel to carve his initials into the mother's abdomen.

Dr. Allan Zarkin -- later dubbed ``Dr. Zorro'' by hospital staff members -- ``felt very close to this woman, but something clicked on and off in his brain,'' his lawyer, Kenneth Platzer, said Friday.

Liana Gedz is now suing the 61-year-old obstetrician for $5 million, saying the 3-by-1 1/2-inch ``A'' and ``Z'' ``makes me feel like a branded animal.''

According to the Daily News, witnesses in the operating room said that after delivering Gedz's daughter on Sept. 7, Zarkin announced: ``I did such a beautiful job, I'll initial it.''

Zarkin's lawyer said the doctor suffers from a ``frontal lobe disorder'' called Pick's disease -- a progressive form of Alzheimer's-like dementia characterized by personality changes and inappropriate behavior.

Platzer said his client is being treated by a psychiatrist and a neurologist.

Gedz, a 31-year-old dentist, said the initials ``were carved in such a manner as to be permanent,'' according to her lawsuit.

Quote of the day:
No matter what happens, somebody will find a way to take it too seriously.
Dave Barry

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